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Riding must practice cadence!

Riding must practice cadence!


As a remnant fan of bicycle feet, I am embarrassed to say that I like to ride a bicycle every day without pedaling with my friends! It is common to be pulled back with explosive force, and to ride dozens of hundreds of kilometers at once without panting, but under these frequent “high-intensity” pedaling, what is hidden is the damage to your body.
Among them, the most important thing is cadence! Many people may not have the concept of cadence. In fact, this is a very important parameter in cycling practice. Maintaining a stable cadence can not only greatly increase riding efficiency, but also effectively prevent joint injuries! Muscles are like rubber bands, and you have to pull them quickly and release them quickly to have a higher efficiency! Unreasonable cadence caused by knee joint cartilage accumulated sports injuries under long-term high-pressure wear and tear will be difficult to recover once it occurs. 
Sacrifice: As early as 1929, kinesiologists began to study cadence. The researchers judged the sum of the minimum oxygen consumption and the torque of each joint of the leg as a function of calculating the cadence. In 1988, Hull studied pedaling frequency in depth. He comprehensively considered the relationship between joint torque and muscle tension and cadence. The best frequency from this survey is between 90 rpm and 100 rpm. (Generally: Pinglu 90-100 Longpo 70-80) Obviously, the tension of the leg muscles is one of the decisive factors in riding.
Cycling cadence training
Cadence training is a long-term conscious training process. The key is to keep the body stable under high cadence, so that the body will not swing from side to side and bouncing up and down due to the increase in cadence. That is to say, make people and vehicles always maintain coordination, and always achieve the realm of the integration of people and vehicles. easy to say, hard to do. How to train the cadence and strength when riding is a compulsory course for introductory bicycle.

How to train

The first is that both frequency and strength are indispensable, and both need to be improved through training. Cadence is an introductory skill for cycling. If you don’t learn how to pedal efficiently, you can’t really learn how to ride a bicycle. The method of training frequency and strength can only be trained during riding, and frequency training is very closely related to pedaling technique. If you do not grasp the essentials and blindly pedal strongly, it will easily lead to movement deformation, so many coaches advocate first. Start with frequency training, and then gradually supplement strength training.
The second argument is how high cadence can be achieved without a certain amount of power. When observing professional drivers and Tour de France drivers (road bikes), their cadence should be 100-120/minute on flat roads (individual time races, it will be 120-150/minute), and climbing 80-90/minute. This is done to prevent excessive accumulation of lactic acid. Super strong leg muscle strength is the first place. When the strength reaches a certain level, it is good to train high cadence. High cadence is good, but it requires strength as support. We discovered during riding that if the cadence is high, but the strength cannot keep up, it is especially prominent when climbing. So, train your legs more often, and if you keep up with your strength, then you can train your cadence again, it will be much easier.

How to increase cadence

Smooth, high-speed pedaling is the key to riding like a professional rider. You can recognize an experienced driver by this. They sat on the seat of the car, their upper body was as steady as a mountain, but their legs were running at high speed like pistons. There is no extra movement, no shaking, just like a high-performance engine, continuously generating power. The high speeds of professional drivers are naturally obtained through practice. Use a smaller gear ratio so that your heartbeat does not exceed 80% of your maximum heart rate.
➡ 1 Lower your seat by 2-3mm to reduce the tendency of your body to bounce at high speeds (many people may have this feeling. At high speeds, the body jumps up and down, as if sitting on a spring). The seat can be gradually adjusted back to the correct height in the future.
➡ 2 Focus on pulling the pedal to slide past the lowest point to eliminate the pedaling dead point. (My personal feeling is that the use of self-locking should focus more on the horizontal force, that is, “drag and pull” instead of “step and lift” in the vertical direction)
➡ 3 Use a computer with cadence as a physiological feedback, gradually increase the speed, and each time you can ride comfortably at this speed for 5 minutes.
➡ 4 Take a few minutes for each ride to pedal at a high speed. The last 5 minutes of warm-up is the best time.

Best Cadence

Studies have shown that when calculating the oxygen consumption from riding without resistance to riding with resistance, the optimal cadence is gradually increased to 100 rpm. It was found that the lowest cadence consumption was between 90rpm and 100rpm. This coincides with the cadence chosen by the actual cyclist. In addition, the best frequency determined by the survey is between 90rpm and 100rpm. Obviously, the tension of the leg muscles is one of the decisive factors in riding.

Do I need to cadence when going uphill?

Generally, 90-100 refers to the cadence during efficient racing cycling or intensity training on flat roads. It is usually not so high when climbing. It is good to have 70-80 when climbing. When you start uphill, you can still maintain the cadence before the uphill at first, but as the slope increases, maintaining the cadence at the beginning gradually becomes difficult, and you need to change gears (changing the flywheel and chainring, up The front chainring of the slope is usually changed to the small chainring in advance) to maintain the original cadence, and the speed will be reduced accordingly. Make muscles less fatigued.
If you change gears too early, you will suddenly feel the loss of resistance. Not only will you feel like your feet are empty, but the speed will also drop sharply. At the same time, the knee joint will have a sudden loss of support and increase the chance of injury; if you change gears too much At night, due to the increase of the slope, people will feel that the resistance under the feet is increasing, and the cadence cannot be maintained at all. At this time, it is necessary to shake the body to increase the pedaling strength or use a stronger force to barely support the original cadence, then the knee joint Will be injured due to excessive pressure. Therefore, shifting gears too early and too late are both inappropriate and can cause joint injuries.

When is the best time to change gears?

It must be judged by experience and feeling. As the slope increases, the speed of the car gradually decreases. Generally, I will change gears when I feel that the speed of the car is about to decrease (that is, the cadence is starting to be a bit difficult to maintain), and keep the original Stepping strength; but it is likely that it will not last long after the gear shift and it will be difficult to maintain, so the next time you feel that it will be difficult to maintain, then change gears, and so on… If it is a particularly steep slope, change If the gear can’t change the original cadence, then don’t insist on insisting anymore, slow down and slow down, at least don’t let yourself hurt. Because we are a cycling tour, not a professional competition, we don’t have to force ourselves to challenge ourselves once in a while, it depends on our mood and physical strength.

Misunderstandings about high cadence

High cadence generally causes an increase in heart rate. When the cadence is increased, the intensity of each stepping decreases, so the burden on the muscular system is reduced, and the burden on the cardiovascular system is increased. So your breath will become thicker. When the cadence is low, the breathing will be much better, but the thighs will be more tired. So the key is to find your “optimal” cadence, which should be the balance between your muscular system and cardiovascular system. Finding your own optimal cadence takes many attempts.
Practicing cadence is actually practicing correct and reasonable pedaling, which can help you use your physical strength more reasonably. If you want to use strength and speed, strength is the foundation, and cadence is the kingly way.
Girls who love beauty and riding, practice cadence is especially important. Many girls are worried about whether riding will make their legs thicker. In fact, otherwise, high cadence riding that suits them will only make you The legs are thinner!

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